180 products
Alfred Giraud Exploratory Range Voyage French Malt Whisky 750ml
Alfred Giraud Voyage is the inaugural release in the Exploratory Range by the renowned Giraud family, known for their expertise in crafting exceptional spirits. This unique whisky is created from two French single malts, one aged in Sauternes wine casks and the other in French Robinia casks, before being married…$99.99In stock (2)
Alfred Giraud Heritage French Malt Whisky 750ml
A generous welcoming French malt whisky, smooth and subtle ABV 45.9% BLEND Triple Malt, Triple Wood ANNUAL RELEASE 23 Casks$149.99Out of stock (0)
Alfred Giraud Intrigue Limited Edition French Malt Whisky 700ml
INTRIGUE balances two double malts and five cask types into one harmonious masterpiece. With highlights of Sauvignon from Bordeaux, our signature rare Cognac casks, and a unique vidange cask that imparts a flavor so intriguing our cellar master vows to keep it a,secret.$299.99In stock (2)
Alize Bleu Liqueur 750ml
A harmonious blend of premium French vodka, Cognac, passionfruit, cherry, ginger and other natural exotic fruit juices. The presence of premium French vodka enlivens Alizé Bleu and raises any occasion to a whole new level. Enjoy Alizé Bleu on the rocks or with your favorite mixer.$17.99In stock (3)
Alize Gold Liqueur 750ml
L’ Original. Alizé Gold Passion delicately blends the intensely flavored and aromatic juices of the exotic passion fruit with premium French vodka. The result is a liqueur that is exceptionally smooth and favorably sweet with vivid passion fruit flavor. Alizé Gold Passion’s distinct and delicious flavors can be savored on…$17.99In stock (5)
Alize Pineapple Liqueur 750ml
Alizé Pineapple is a tropical infusion of ripe Pineapple and Passion Fruit delicately blended with premium. French vodka. Alizé Pineapple is a full bodied liqueur that is smooth and favorably sweet on the palate. SIGNATURE COCKTAIL: TRICK OF THE LIGHT.$17.99In stock (5)
Alize Red Passion Liqueur 750ml
Alize Red Passion Alize de France is a unique French spirit made with a blend of real passion fruit and other exotic fruits that adds energy to any occasion with its fresh taste that makes stylish yet fabulously fun, colorful drinks: it is the new, modern spirit of France. Delicious…$17.99In stock (7)
B&B Liqueur 750ml
A blend of Cognac and Benedictine, this liqueur was first created in New York in the 1930s by an enterprising barman. Now mixed before bottling, B&B uses Otard Cognac and Benedictine; a herbal, spice and fruit liqueur made by French monks.$38.99In stock (9)
Batsman Small Batch London Gin 750ml
This exquisite French is bursting with flavor with the use of ten botanicals: Juniper, Coriander, Lemon, Angelica, Orris, Cionnamon Bark, Cassia Bark, Liquorice Root and Nutmeg. The result is a clean, bold Gin with powerful Juniper characters balanced with strong citrus notes. Aromatic, zesty, sophisticated and complex would accurately describe…$34.99In stock (2)
Benedictine Herbal Liqueur 750ml
A classic medium-bodied French herbal liqueur, Benedictine was awarded 95 points by the prestigious Beverage Tasting Institute in Chicago.$38.99In stock (9)
Bhakta 27-07 Brandy 750ml
Bhakta Brandy 27-07 750ml - 27-07 tempts the palate with a bold flavor profile rooted in Calvados and kissed by Armagnac. Autumnal aromas of Calvados collide with the floral richness of Armagnac. A smoky finish rounds out the flavor profile of this rule-bending dram. 27 years at its oldest, and…$76.99In stock (3)
Canton Ginger Liqueur 750ml
Domaine de Canton was described as "a perfect liqueur" in F. Paul Pacult's Spirit Journal, and he wasn't exaggerating. This spirit is crafted from VSOP cognac, baby ginger, vanilla beans, Provencal honey, and Tunisian ginseng, and the result is sublime; with subtle sweetness and a spicy, savory kick, Canton tastes…$34.99In stock (7)
Chambord Raspberry Liqueur 375ml
Rich ruby red hue. Sweet raspberry jam aromas follow faithfully on the thick, sweet, somewhat syrupy palate. This would be outstanding over vanilla ice cream, or as a dessert in itself." Reviewed by: Beverage Testing Institute$20.99In stock (4)
Chambord Raspberry Liqueur 50ml
Rich ruby red hue. Sweet raspberry jam aromas follow faithfully on the thick, sweet, somewhat syrupy palate. This would be outstanding over vanilla ice cream, or as a dessert in itself." Reviewed by: Beverage Testing Institute$3.49In stock (11)
Chambord Raspberry Liqueur 700ml
We start with the first infusion by extracting all the delicious juices from our blackberries, raspberries and blackcurrants. The juices are then mixed with the finest French spirits and left for four weeks to infuse and unlock the rich flavor. The berries are then ready for their second infusion. In…$29.99In stock (11)