
17 products
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  • Amethystos Blanc 2022 White Blend 750ml

    Tasting Notes: This un-oaked dry white has a big, bold and mouth-filling bouquet of peach, melon and tropical fruits.

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  • Amethystos Blanc 2023 White Blend 750ml

    The cosmopolitan Sauvignon Blanc and the Aegean Assyrtiko, the two white varieties Costas Lazaridis first planted in Drama, shape the character of this wine.

    In stock (18)

  • Amethystos Rouge 2019 Red Blend 750ml

    The nose of this deeply garnet-colored Greek wine delivers multiple aromas of blackcurrant, blackberry, blueberry and cinnamon. The mouth feel is beautifully balanced. Combining power and finesse with mellow tannins, it ends on a chocolaty finish. At the table, this 2020 Drama will be the ideal companion to veal kidneys…

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  • Amethystos Rouge 2021 Red Blend 750ml

    Red forest fruits, particularly raspberries and black currants, mingle with sweet vanillin oak notes from barrel maturation. Full bodied, velvet, with intense aroma of plum. Good concentration and balanced acidity with firm, mature tannins. Long finish with hints of spices. Pair with oven baked pork, veal in tomato sauce.

    In stock (20)

  • Domaine Spiropoulos 2021 Organic Moschofilero PDO Mantinia White Dry 750ml

    The complex Moschofilero grape calls attention to its elegant and more distinctive dimensions in Domaine Spiropoulos’s Mantinia wine. Produced exclusively from selected organically grown grapes from the family-owned vineyards in the upland region of Mantinia. With roses, lemon-blossom and bergamot aromas which peak on the palate, and slightly acidy and…

    In stock (6)

  • Kourtaki Mavrodaphne of Patras Sweet Red 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Luscious, Port-like sweet red wine aged in oak. One of the few wines that pairs perfectly with chocolate. Also pairs beautifully with Stilton and other strong cheeses, or enjoy in a snifter by the fire to warm your spirits on a cold day.

    In stock (17)

  • Mylonas Winery Retsina 750ml

    Retsina is love-it-or-hate-it, usually associated with intense pine resin and acetone notes. This is a very subtle, modern take on this quintessential Greek wine. On the nose it is almost like a grassy sauvignon blanc. There is a clean mineral palate with punchy high acidity, followed by a long, savory…

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  • Nico Lazaridi Queen of Hearts 2021 White 750ml

    The Queen of Hearts – an everyday, precious wine which will steal your heart for good. The NICO LAZARIDI through Mackedon Winery expanded its wine production in 2011 by creating a new category of wines closer to everyday life. For the production of the Queen of Hearts white wine we chose…

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  • Santo Winery 2021 Assyrtiko Santorini 750ml

    This wine is a classic benchmark of the variety and its homeland. A vibrant aromatic cocktail of sea-breeze freshness and citrus fruits, peach with honeyed undertones. Bone-dry, brightly acidic with a textural mineral smokiness and a food-begging finish.

    In stock (26)

  • Santo Winery 2022 Assyrtiko Santorini 750ml

    This wine is a classic benchmark of the variety and its homeland. A vibrant aromatic cocktail of sea-breeze freshness and citrus fruits, peach with honeyed undertones. Bone-dry, brightly acidic with a textural mineral smokiness and a food-begging finish.

    In stock (2)

  • Skouras 2021 Moscofilero PGI Peloponnese 750ml

    The color is light white yellow. Opulent aromas light and fresh of white flowers and honeysuckle are revealed, rounded out with notes of citrus fruits and lime. Medium- to full-bodied, refreshing and vigorous acidity.

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  • Skouras Zoe 2021 White 750ml

    Fermented in stainless steel vats. Short skin contact, no malolactic fermentation and short aging over fine lees. Screw cap. Fresh, crisp acidity, lively, aromatic.

    In stock (38)

  • Skouras Zoe 2023 Red Blend 750ml

    Fermented in stainless steel vats. Short maceration, full malolactic fermentation and short aging over fine lees. Screw cap. Black cherries, blackberries, plums, dried herbs, medium-bodied, crisp and elegant.

    In stock (21)

  • Skouras Zoe 2023 Rose Blend 750ml

    Fermented in stainless steel vats. Short maceration, no malolactic fermentation and short aging over fine lees. Screw cap. Ripe cherries, raspberries, rose petals, full and complex palate.

    In stock (12)

  • Sofos 2022 Organic Greek Red Blend 750ml

    Red ruby color with violet hues. The nose has aromas of mature blackberries, raspberries and sweet spices. The palate has a well balanced acidity and a medium plus body; fragrant of fresh blackcurrant – blackberry fruit, red pepper and hints of black chocolate. One of the benefits to drinking a…

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