
5 products
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  • Boracay by Tanduay Cappuccino Rum 750ml

    Enjoy the smooth, mellow taste of our finest white rum with exciting and exotic flavours. Drink it neat, on the rocks or as a mixer.

    In stock (20)

  • Boracay by Tanduay Coconut Rum 750ml

    Smooth Philippine white rum gets some attitude with the exotic taste of coconut. Suit the flavor to your mood whether you take it straight, on the rocks or mixed. Boracay Rum captures the island experience. Choose to party with the sweet and tropical taste of coconut mingling with light a…

    In stock (22)

  • Tanduay Double Rum 750ml

    This rum made from blend of rums aged for 16 and 5 years and married in ex-bourbon barrels for two years is hitched with taste of caramelized pineapple, toasted nuts with a mellow blend of cherry, vanilla, and tropical fruits. The ageing process creates good sipping rum with exceptional continuity…

    In stock (8)

  • Tanduay Especia Spiced Rum 750ml

    Stare long enough at the trees here, and you might see the glimmer of a green scale. The flicker of a forked tongue and then, lifted by ancient magic, a snake slithering through the humid air. The glider snake keeps a dark eye on the exotic spices that bloom throughout…

    In stock (13)

  • Tanduay Gold Asian Rum 750ml

    Color: Bright golden amber color Nose: Intriguing toasted caramel with aromas of coconut crème brulee Body: Silky texture, medium-to-full body Taste: Expressive flavors of vanilla, tropical fruit, and notes of clean, new oak Finish: A subtle medley of dried tropical fruits, nuts, and a warm peppery component on the finish…

    In stock (12)
