
72 products
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  • Aspirations Pink Parrot Beachside Watermelon Infused 750ml

    This refreshing Rose wine, balanced with thirst quenching crispness and juicy sweetness of a fresh watermelon. Summertime in a glass! Enjoy Chilled, on ice, as a spritzer, smoothie, sangria or wine cocktail.

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  • Bonal Gentiane Quina Aperitif 750ml

    Originally made in 1865, and immediately nicknamed “ouvre l’appetit (key to the appetite) it is made by infusing gentian root, herbs from the Grande Chartreuse Mountains, and cinchona (quinine), in a Mistelle base, producing a wine that is known for its complexity.

    In stock (12)

  • Ca Montebello Sangue Di Giuda Dessert 750ml

    After carefully controlling the state of maturation, harvesting takes place in the 2nd week of september, after being de-stemmed and crushed they undergo a controlled temperature maceration to maintain a high sugar content. Then follows the draining of 60% of the free drawn wine,the must is then cooled and put…

    In stock (51)

  • Chaucer’s Raspberry Mead 750ml

    Our Raspberry Mead is a blend of our Chaucer’s Mead and a small portion of our Raspberry Wine. A blend of fruit such as raspberry is known as Melomel. This blend of fruit and honey has been enjoyed for centuries. Less sweet than our regular mead, this wine finishes with…

    In stock (9)

  • Cockburns 2017 Vintage Porto Port 750ml

    Of opaque color, almost black, extremely complex aroma, with evidence for the notes of rock rose and red fruits and some minerality, intense taste with excellent fruit, spicy tannins and a claw that holds it to the taste buds in an endless finish.

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  • Cockburns Fine Ruby Porto Port 750ml

    Cockburn's Fine Ruby port is a blend of young wines from various years, aged for three to five years and bottled after filtration. It retains the red color and fruit flavor of youth, and is ready to drink when bottled, offering a rich, fruity, sweet taste.

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  • Crafted Pollinator Hopped Blackberry Honey Wine 16.9 oz

    POLLEN-NATION 2014 Mazer Cup International Mead Competition Gold Medal - Session Mead Category 2015 Mazer Cup International Mead Competition Bronze Medal - Session Mead Category Style: Dry Hopped Blackberry Session Mead with Cinnamon ABV: 6% Package: 500ml & Draft

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  • Dansk Mjod GI Dansk Mjod 750ml

    A mead with ginger and hops showing big notes of ginger on the nose. The taste is of ginger followed quickly with the sweetness of honey and a dry, hoppy finish.

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  • Dansk Mjod Nordic Caraway Klapojster Mjod Mead 750ml

    Dansk Mjod Klapojster Mead is proudly brewed from one of the most ancient Nordic mead recipes, circa 1700. Klapojster Mead is a caraway honey mead, brewed with brandy for a complex and delicious flavor. A brew that can be enjoyed everyday, and is also perfect for storing for celebrations. Klapojster…

    In stock (11)

  • Dansk Mjod Odins Skull Nordic Honey 750ml

    Dansk Mjod Odin’s Skull is a mead brewed with honey, hops, cinnamon, and sour apple juice. Odin, one-eyed and long-bearded, often carrying a spear, might be one of the most complex characters in Norse mythology. This brew is intended to honor Odin’s name: “Master of inspiration and fury.” 19.0% ABV.

    In stock (6)

  • Dansk Mjod Viking Blod Honey Dessert 750ml

    "This artisan metheglin style Danish mead has hibiscus, which gives its soft, citruslike flavour and very floral aroma. Its finish is hoppy-dry, spicey, and very warming Mead is probably the oldest known alcoholic beverage in the world. From Europe to Australia mead has been a popular drink, dating back to…

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  • De La Costa Sangria 1L

    Glunz De La Costa Red Sangria is a traditional Spanish drink that is the toast of the summer. It is a blend of Glunz's red wine and citrus fruits with a touch of spice.

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  • Dry Sack Medium Dry Port 750ml

    The perfect aperitif, Dry Sack Medium is a distinctive blend of Palomino and Pedro Ximenez grapes aged in oak casks for six years by the traditional Solera method. Produced by Williams & Humbert in Jerez, Spain, Dry Sack has been available for more than one hundred years. Dry Sack Medium…

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  • Dubonnet Rouge Grand Apertif 1L

    For over 170 years, Dubonnet Rouge Grand Aperitif de France has been celebrated around the world as an authority on the aperitif tradition. Crafted from a proprietary blend of red wine, herbs and spices.

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  • Fonseca Bin No. 27 Port 750ml

    Fonseca Bin No. 27 was created over a century ago for family consumption, and only released commercially in 1972. It is produced primarily from wines from Fonseca's own quintas in the Cima Corgo and thus shows an exceptional quality and consistency from year to year. Blended from reserve wines selected…

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