16 products
Belvedere 10Yr Organic Vodka 750ml
Introducing Belvedere 10 Year Organic Vodka, a refined spirit that embodies the pinnacle of luxury and sustainability. Crafted with the finest organic ingredients and aged for a decade, this vodka epitomizes elegance and craftsmanship. Belvedere 10 Year Organic Vodka is the culmination of a decade-long journey, meticulously distilled from 100%…$139.99In stock (2)
Belvedere Oragnic Vodka 1.75L
*This item is only available for shipping in FL.* The world's first super premium vodka, Belvedere represents the pinnacle of the Polish vodka-making tradition. Distilled exclusively from the finest Dankowskie Gold Rye and quadruple distilled to create the perfect balance of character and purity, Belvedere Vodka is the true expression…$42.99In stock (36)
Belvedere Organic Vodka 750ml
Produced in one of the world’s longest operating polish distilleries that has been making vodka since 1910, Belvedere’s Master Rye Distillers draw from a 600-year polish vodka-making history to artfully craft Polish rye into an extraordinary vodka of distinct taste and character.$26.99In stock (48)
Chopin Potato Vodka 1.75L
*This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Chopin Potato Vodka is naturally gluten-free and the world's most awarded potato vodka. It's uniquely creamy and full=bodied flavor profile makes it a great standalone vodka, ideal for sipping neat or in martinis and cocktails.$40.99In stock (4)
Chopin Rye Vodka 750ml
Chopin Rye Vodka is precisely composed to showcase the complex, spicy warmth of Polish rye. This is a particularly expressive vodka with a peppery liveliness that counters the idea that vodka should be ‘smooth’.$17.99In stock (1)
Chopin Wheat Vodka 750ml
Our lightest, most delicate vodka, featuring a subtle sweetness. Its lightness makes it ideal for summer sipping as well as the perfect partner for fruit-based cocktails and refreshing spritzes.$17.99Out of stock (0)
Dorda Double Chocolate Liqueur 750ml
Dorda Double Chocolate Liqueur is made with a double helping of the finest dark chocolate and Chopin Rye Vodka, making it the purest, most decadent, velvety-smooth, all-natural chocolate liqueur on the market.$27.99In stock (1)
Dorda Sea Salt Caramel Liqueur 750ml
Dorda Sea Salt Caramel Liqueur is made with the Dorda family’s Chopin Rye Vodka, caramel made from scratch at the family distillery and a perfectly balanced touch of Maldon Sea salt.$27.99In stock (10)
Krakus Exclusive Vodka 750ml
Highly rated brand of Polish vodka. Its greatest asset is the noble, mature, rich taste that has been worked on for years. To ensure high quality, every drop of Krakus Exclusive vodka comes from carefully selected and fermented cereal grains, a single source of water and has been produced ever…$19.99In stock (4)
Luksusowa Vodka 1.75L
*This item is only available for shipping in FL.* With a name that means "luxurious" in Polish and made from selected spuds, Luksusowa is a premium potato vodka created in 1928. Using high quality ingredients and a painstaking production process has given Luksusowa its unique character. Luksusowa have been distilling…$20.99In stock (76)
LVOV Potato Vodka 1.75L
*This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Produced in Poland and distilled from potatoes. 80 proof alcohol. Four times distilled and four times filtered through an activated carbon process.$20.99In stock (20)
Nalewka Lwowecka Cherry Liqueur 750ml
AGWA DE BOLIVIA is renowned as the only coca leaf liqueur in the world today. The flavours of South America inspired the taste of AGWA, the crown jewel in our range of premium Bolivian coca leaf herbal liqueurs. The dried, macerated coca leaves are steam distilled to produce an alcoholic…$16.99In stock (12)
Sobieski Vodka 1.75L PET
*This item is only available for shipping in FL.* It begins in Poland's rich Mazowse fields where the golden Dankowski Rye is harvested. This grain has been recognized for centuries for its distinctive character. Our crystalline water from Oligocene springs contributes to the silky finish of this noble spirit. It…$17.99In stock (39)
Vesica Triple Distilled Potato Vodka 750ml
Vesica... a perfect form in ancient geometry - it’s part math and part mysticism. The basic ingredient – circles. Place them together precisely and a wonder is created. The Flower of Life. It’s on our bottle. That harmony - that connection - that balance... That is the essence of Vesica.…$14.49In stock (8)