Alize Red Passion Liqueur 750ml
Alize Red Passion Alize de France is a unique French spirit made with a blend of real passion fruit and other exotic fruits that adds energy to any occasion with its fresh taste that makes stylish yet fabulously fun, colorful drinks: it is the new, modern spirit of France. Delicious when served chilled or over ice, Alize is versatile and will make martinis, cosmopolitans, margaritas, mimosas, or frozen drinks unforgettable.
Alize Red Passion Alize de France is a unique French spirit made with a blend of real passion fruit and other exotic fruits that adds energy to any occasion with its fresh taste that makes stylish yet fabulously fun, colorful drinks: it is the new, modern spirit of France. Delicious when served chilled or over ice, Alize is versatile and...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Country or State | France |
Type | Cordials – Liqueurs |
Brand | Alize |
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