
3 products
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  • Skouras 2022 Moscofilero PGI Peloponnese 750ml

    The color is light white yellow. Opulent aromas light and fresh of white flowers and honeysuckle are revealed, rounded out with notes of citrus fruits and lime. Medium- to full-bodied, refreshing and vigorous acidity.

    In stock (3)

  • Skouras 2023 Moscofilero PGI Peloponnese 750ml

    The color is light white yellow. Opulent aromas light and fresh of white flowers and honeysuckle are revealed, rounded out with notes of citrus fruits and lime. Medium- to full-bodied, refreshing and vigorous acidity.

    In stock (12)

  • Troupis Winery 2021 Fteri Moschofilero 750ml

    Fteri Moschofilero is an intensely floral wine combining the perfume of night-blooming jasmine, rose and citrus fruits. The Troupis family diligently harvests Moschofilero grapes among ferns and fruit trees. This aromatic, medium-bodied delight boasts a perfumed nose of herbs, honey, and red berries. The palate balances citrus with searing acidity.…

    In stock (7)
