3 products
Bura 2022 Rukatac Fresh White Dalmatia 750ml
Bergamot tea, yellow apple, peach, orange oil, tangerine, hazelnut, salted apricot and black pepper with freshly harvested honeycomb. The aromas come rich and heady from this wine made from the Rukatac grape – also called Marestina – on the Dalmatian Coast’s Peljesac Peninsula. Orange wines may still feel new and…$19.99In stock (15)
Pomalo 2023 Slavonija Croatia Frankovka Rose 750ml
Direct press Frankovka showing that Slavonia knows how to party in the summertime just as much as the coast! Delivers a nose bursting with floral aromas and red berry fruits, particularly strawberries and raspberries. The palate is fresh, vibrant, bright, and effortlessly pleasing - the PERFECT summer wine for doing…$16.99In stock (5)
Vina Skaramuca 2022 Plavac Mali Peljesac Dalmatia 750ml
Plavac Mali is a traditional varietal on the Dalmatian Coast. One of its parents is Tribidrag, better known to Americans as Zinfandel. Medium-bodied, fruit-forward, and floral, the wine is unoaked, allowing the fruit to really shine$15.99In stock (11)