
19 products
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  • 1010 Daikiri Red RTD 750ml

    “Of red intense shocking. Delicious. In nose is sweet and fruity with clear presence of strawberry and redcurrant. The palate has a touch fruity with a short and very pleasant finish. The rum of 3 years employed in handcrafting provides balance and brightness.”

    In stock (5)

  • Anis Del Mono Seco Liqueur 750ml

    Dry anise made with the same selection of raw materials as the Anís del Mono Dulce. It differentiates itself due to its higher alcohol content and lower sugar content. History: The history of Anis del Mono begins at the end of the 19th century and is full of anecdotes. The…

    In stock (16)

  • Cardenal Mendoza Brandy 750ml

    There is no better way to spend a winter evening then sipping on a nice glass of brandy. Cardinal Mendoza Brandy is produced in Jérez, Spain. Founded in 1781, Cardinal Mendoza is one of the best selling Jérez brandies in the world. Ages 15 to 17 years, this brandy is…

    In stock (23)

  • Carlos I Imperial XO Gran Reserva Brandy 750ml

    A blend of rare eaux-de-vie make up this Osborne Carlos I Solera Gran Reserva Imperial XO Brandy de Jerez. Some have even matured more than 20 years in American oak casks previously used to age the distillery's own Amontillado and Oloroso Sherry wines.

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  • Felipe II Brandy 750ml

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  • Fundador Brandy 750ml

    Fundador is the market-leading Spanish grape brandy. Made using Airen and Palomino grapes, Fundador (literally 'Founder') was the first brand marketed as a 'Brandy de Jerez and is aged in a sherry-soaked Solera. Elegant, smooth and delicate brandy, aged and carefully finessed in Sherry Casks seasoned with exclusive Fino, Amontillado…

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  • Fundador Sherry Cask Fine Brandy 1L

    Fundador is the market-leading Spanish grape brandy. Made using Airen and Palomino grapes, Fundador (literally 'Founder') was the first brand marketed as a 'Brandy de Jerez and is aged in a sherry-soaked Solera. Elegant, smooth and delicate brandy, aged and carefully finessed in Sherry Casks seasoned with exclusive Fino, Amontillado…

    In stock (43)

  • Gran Duque Dalba Brandy 750ml

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  • Licor 43 Liqueur 750ml

    In stock (3)

  • Nordes Gin 700ml

    Nordés is Galicia’s very own premium gin, which was created as a celebration of its native land and has quickly become a revolutionary gin, taking the familiar to the next level with its authentic feel and exquisite flavour.

    In stock (6)

  • Osborne Magno Brandy 750ml

    A solera reserva Brandy matured in oloroso Sherry barrels.

    In stock (12)

  • Osborne Solera Veterano Brandy 750ml

    In stock (21)

  • Puerto De Indias Sevillian Premium Black Edition Gin 750ml

    Premium Gin produced in one of the oldest distilleries of Andalusia, located in the town of Carmona of in the province of Seville, Spain. The flavour of Puerto de Indias Pure Black Edition Premium Gin is obtained from ingredients from the Andalusian springtime during its production process. The distillate has…

    In stock (37)

  • Puerto De Indias Sevillian Premium Strawberry Gin 750ml

    Puerto de Indias Strawberry Gin is one of the biggest selling gins in Spain. It has a translucent, light pink colour. A soft touch of liquorice and a sweet, wild flavour of strawberry and juniper. 'Puerto de Indias' translate as Port of India. It is produced in Carmona, Seville, in…

    In stock (18)

  • Solera Gran Reserva Carlos I Brandy 750ml

    A long-aged traditional Spanish grape brandy from the Jerez region, more famous for its fortified wine. Carlos I XO has been aged in a solera system, just like the sherry itself.

    In stock (12)
