
17 products
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  • Blue Chair Bay Kenny Chesney Premium Blend Banana Rum 750ml

    Imported and bottled by Fishbowl Spirits, and created and owned by country music star Kenny Chesney, Blue Chair Bay Rum added a new Banana flavor to its portfolio. Blue Chair Bay Banana Rum features flavors of creamy banana, warm baking spices and a caramelized banana finish with notes of white…

    In stock (20)

  • Blue Chair Bay Kenny Chesney White Rum 750ml

    From the shores of the Caribbean comes the Blue Chair Bay flagship, aged less than 100 feet from the high water line. There's something about the sunlight and the wind on the water that gets into the oak casks and and into every drop of Blue Chair Bay.

    In stock (10)

  • Bumbu Rum 750ml

    Bumbu Rum The Original, presented in a 1-liter offering, is an exquisite exemplar of craftsmanship in the realm of rum. This spirit is distilled on the island of Barbados, renowned for its centuries-old tradition in rum production. The distillation process adheres to time-honored methods, utilizing locally sourced sugar cane and…

    In stock (50)

  • Equiano Rum 750ml

    Equiano is a multi award winning premium aged rum, that is the world’s first African and Caribbean blend. The collaboration of two distilleries on two different continents creates something entirely new for a centuries old craft. Equiano is 100% natural, with no spices, no additives and no added sugar. All…

    In stock (14)

  • John D Taylors Velvet Falernum Liqueur 750ml

    In stock (9)

  • Mount Gay 1703 Black Barrel Rum 750ml

    The 1703 Master Select blend features a blend of copper column and copper pot rums from Mount Gay's oldest reserves – ranging from 10 to 30 year old rums – created and hand-picked by Master Blender Allen Smith. Due to overwhelming demand and the scarcity of Mount Gay's most mature…

    In stock (13)

  • Mount Gay Eclipse Gold Rum 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Mount Gay Eclipse Rum, the epitome of tradition in the art of rum-making in Barbados and the English-speaking Caribbean, is our flagship and was created to satisfy the palates of connoisseurs the world over. The blending of double and single distillates…

    In stock (8)

  • Mount Gay Eclipse Gold Rum 750ml

    Mount Gay Eclipse Rum, the epitome of tradition in the art of rum-making in Barbados and the English-speaking Caribbean, is our flagship and was created to satisfy the palates of connoisseurs the world over. The blending of double and single distillates and the fact that it’s aged in Kentucky oak…

    In stock (3)

  • Mount Gay XO Rum 750ml

    An opulent blend of the finest spirits aged for 8 to 15 years. Where Eclipse is floral and fruity, Extra Old blends significantly older barrels of mainly double pot distillates that have rounded these crisper notes into a subtler balance. It exudes the finesse that only time can bring and…

    In stock (7)

  • Mur Mur Premium Coconut Rum 750ml

    Mur Mur was inspired to remove the stigma that good rum has to come from a Pirate Ship. With unsurpassed quality and unwavering attention to detail, we created a multi-layered, yet balanced, superior blend of very rare rums from various Caribbean Islands .

    In stock (60)

  • Plantation Stiggins Fancy Pineapple Rum 750ml

    Plantation Stiggins Pineapple Rum is an artisinal infusion of pineapple in Carribean Rum. Delicious by itself, in an Old Fashioned or in a Classic Daiquiri. Enjoy!

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  • Plantation XO 20th Anniversary Extra Old Barbados Rhum 750ml

    A handsomely presented decanter-style bottle of Plantation Extra Old rum from Barbados. The rums are initially aged in the Caribbean in ex-bourbon casks then transported to the Charente (home of Plantation's owner, Cognac producer Pierre Ferrand) and undergoing a second maturation in small French oak casks.

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  • Planteray 5Yr Grand Reserve Rum 750ml

    A very fine blend of Barbados rums, aged for five years in bourbon casks in the Caribbean then refined in old French oak casks. Its succulent nose, typical of the Barbados style, reveals notes of toasted coconut, fudge and oaky vanilla. Planteray Grande Réserve 5 Year Old can be enjoyed…

    In stock (4)

  • Planteray Stiggins Fancy Pineapple Rum 1L

    Fruit flavored rums may have a less than stellar reputation these days, but wait until you meet Stiggins! Rum infused with pineapple has long been a tradition in the caribbean, and this rum serves as an homage to that tradition while also putting a Plantation twist on it. The barks…

    In stock (6)

  • Ponche Kuba Cream Liqueur 750ml

    A spiced rum based cream liqueur from the Caribbean, as created by Don Jaime Sprock in 1942 after he tasted his way around the islands. Tasting Notes: Appearance: Creamy Nose: Delicate, sweet flavors with a lightly spiced aroma. Taste: Rich, sweet, exceptionally smooth and delicate.

    In stock (35)
