
5 products
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  • Widow Jane 10 Year Old Straight Bourbon American Whiskey 750ml

    To build a great city, you start with the toughest foundation known. The greatest structures in New York City, from the gargantuan caissons of the Brooklyn Bridge to the 27,000 ton pedestal of the Statue of Liberty to the Empire State Building itself, are held fast and strong by natural…

    In stock (13)

  • Widow Jane 20Yr Black Opal Blended Bourbon Whiskeys 750ml

    Widow Jane Black Opal 2024 release is a rare unearthing of Widow Jane’s oldest whiskey. Aged 20 years and finished in prized Mizunara Oak casks, it’s a whiskey to savor & cherish. In the pursuit of even rarer & more intense bourbon, Widow Jane unearths its oldest whiskey yet. Black…

    In stock (1)

  • Widow Jane Baby Jane Blend of Straight Bourbon Whiskeys 750ml

    Get ready to meet your new favorite bourbon Widow Jane Baby Jane Bourbon. This isn’t just any bourbon, it’s a taste revolution from Widow Jane Distillery that’s been handcrafted with passion and precision. Baby Jane Bourbon starts with our own heirloom corn, lovingly named "Baby Jane." This corn isn’t just…

    In stock (6)

  • Widow Jane Decadence Straight Bourbon American Whiskey 750ml

    There is no other word to describe this. We took some of our legendary 10 year old Bourbons & finished them in barrels that held New York’s finest artisanal maple syrup from Crown Maple®. The result is a rich, creamy-smooth & slightly sweet mouthful of whiskey flavor that is way…

    In stock (9)

  • Widow Jane The Vaults Aged 14Yr Blend of Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    For our fourth Vaults project, we had the luxury of blending barrels from our stocks of up to 20 year old casks. The Vaults is a unique series: exceptional & mature whiskey, rebarrelled in new cooperage. When distillate is barreled, it is young and wild. After a decade and half,…

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