Aviation American Gin 750ml
Aviation Gin is an intriguing handcrafted spirit distilled in a copper pot still with a daring mix of floral, spice, citrus and herb botanicals. The complex, layered flavors of cardamom, coriander, lavender, anise seed, sarsaparilla and orange peel work in perfect harmony with the juniper notes, creating a shining example of a modern American dry gin. Aviation is excellent sipped on its own, but is extremely well-suited for mixing in an array of classic gin cocktails.
97 Points
Wine Enthusiast
Aviation Gin is an intriguing handcrafted spirit distilled in a copper pot still with a daring mix of floral, spice, citrus and herb botanicals. The complex, layered flavors of cardamom, coriander, lavender, anise seed, sarsaparilla and orange peel work in perfect harmony with the juniper notes, creating a shining example of a modern American dry gin. Aviation is excellent sipped...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Country or State | United States |
Type | Gin |
Brand | Aviation |
Wine, Spirits, Beer and Mixers
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Wine, Spirits, Beer and Mixers
- Orders over $175$15.00/per 12 bottles
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