Select Old Forester Bourbon 750ml

4 products
  • Old Forester 1870 Original Batch Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky 750ml

    In 1870 George Garvin Brown created Old Forester on Louisville, KY’s, famous Whiskey Row. In honor of that milestone year in bourbon history, we have crafted a tribute – Old Forester 1870 Original Batch – the first expression in the Old Forester Whiskey Row series. 1870 Original Batch echoes George…

    In stock (6)

  • Old Forester 1897 Bottled In Bond Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky 750ml

    Old Forester 1897 Bottled in Bond is crafted to honor a watershed moment in bourbon history – the U.S. Bottled-in-Bond Act of 1897. This expression follows the Bottled in Bond standards that whisky must be aged in a federally bonded warehouse for at least four years, the product of one…

    In stock (5)

  • Old Forester 1910 Old Fine American Whiskey 750ml

    1910 Old Fine Whisky, Old Forester’s fourth and final expression in the Whiskey Row Series, is a double barreled Bourbon creating a smooth mingling of sweet oatmeal raisin cookie and milk chocolate, caramel corn, and evolving spice that lead into a refined, charred oak finish. TASTING NOTES: NOSE Interlaced layers…

    In stock (4)

  • Old Forester 1920 115 Proof Bourbon American Whiskey 750ml

    This 115 proof expression is the third release in our Old Forester Whiskey Row series and celebrates the brand’s continued distillation during Prohibition. For 13 years, the production, transport and sale of alcohol was strictly prohibited. However, Old Forester was granted a permit to continue distilling on Louisville’s Whiskey Row.…

    In stock (7)
