Chivas Regal / Glenlivet / Jameson / Jeffersons / Skrewball 750ml Mix-N-Match

16 products
  • Chivas Regal 12Yr Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Chivas Regal 12 year old is a very popular blend, particularly in America. It is often referenced in popular music, it was actually reputed to be a favorite drink of Jim Morrison. Nose: Quite light, feinty. Cigar box. Fruity, spice, honey, herbal. Palate: Full, rounded, fruity, nutty, vanilla, barley. Finish:…

    In stock (38)

  • Chivas Regal 18Yr Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Chivas 18 is an intense dark amber blended Scotch. The nose is rich and indulgent with multi-layered aromas of dried fruits, buttery toffee and dark chocolate. On the palate velvety, dark chocolate yields to elegant floral notes and a wisp of sweet, mellow smokiness. The finish is extremely warm and…

    In stock (17)

  • Chivas Regal XV Aged 15Yr Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Created in 2018 by Master Blender Sandy Hyslop, Chivas XV is a celebratory way to enjoy blended Scotch whisky. This blend is laid down to rest for a minimum of 15 long years – represented by the Roman numerals XV – so that rich flavours are ready for you to…

    In stock (9)

  • Glenlivet 12Yr Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    This whisky has been called a lot of things in its time: smooth, fruity, complex, sophisticated, entertaining, classic. The Original Malt Whisky Almanac says: “A first-class malt. One of the most popular malts in the world – deservedly so.” The Glenlivet 12 Year Old’s legendary smooth character and tropical fruity…

    In stock (206)

  • Glenlivet 14Yr Cognac Cask Selection Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Meet The Glenlivet 14 Year Old, our newest whisky. Featuring raisin-rich cognac and signature citrus notes married with creamy smoothness, the luscious liquid has traveled from bourbon and sherry casks to a selective finish in cognac casks. Bursting with sweet and fruity aromas and inspired by Captain Bill Grant Smith,…

    In stock (39)

  • Glenlivet 15Yr French Oak Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    CASK: FRENCH LIMOUSIN OAK FLAVOR:SWEET FRUITS, DELICATE SPICE The origin of this whisky’s deep and satisfying flavor stems from a maturation technique pioneered by The Glenlivet, known as Selective Maturation. A portion of the mature spirit is transferred to virgin oak casks made from French Limousin oak, the same casks…

    In stock (22)

  • Glenlivet 18Yr Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    The Glenlivet 18 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky has an apricot-hued appearance, along with an aroma of dried fruits — particularly mangoes — and toffee. Its palate is wonderfully balanced, with notes of ripe oranges, raisins and ginger, and leads to a phenomenal finish marked by butterscotch candy and…

    In stock (3)

  • Glenlivet Caribbean Reserve Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    Introducing The Glenlivet Caribbean Reserve, a single malt with a bold, tropical twist. To create whisky with a tropical feel, our makers finished a portion of our whisky in barrels that previously held Caribbean rum. The result is a well balanced and exceptionally smooth whisky. It features the sweet and…

    In stock (154)

  • Glenlivet Founders Reserve Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    Inspired by our legendary founder George Smith whose vision was to create the smoothest of all whiskies, The Glenlivet’s Founder’s Reserve embodies a new side of The Glenlivet’s classic style. Founder’s Reserve is an extremely well balanced whisky, full of sweet, creamy vanilla and caramel apple notes, along with zesty…

    In stock (258)

  • Jameson Caskmates IPA Edition Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Since we swapped stout beer barrels with our friends at Franciscan Well Brewery in 2013 to create the Jameson Caskmates Stout Edition, we couldn’t wait to try a new beer mate with our casks. Our whiskey makers down in our Midleton Distillery have stuck their toes in the water (don’t…

    In stock (4)

  • Jameson Irish Whisky 750ml

    Jameson Irish Whiskey is a blended Irish Whiskey. What’s that we hear you say? Well first we take the best of pot still and fine grain whiskeys. Then we triple distill them- not because we have to because we want to as it gives it its signature smoothness. Finally we…

    In stock (343)

  • Jameson Orange Irish Whiskey 750ml

    We’ve branched out and things just got zesty. Introducing Jameson Orange. The smooth taste of triple-distilled Jameson Irish Whiskey, perfectly balanced with notes of zesty Orange flavour.

    In stock (45)

  • Jameson Select Black Barrel Irish Whisky 750ml

    Double charring the wood fires up the barrels and gives them new life. Untold richness and complexity awaits in every drop of Jameson Black Barrel. It’s perfect on its own or on the rocks, but it’s also commonly known as the best whiskey for an Old Fashioned. Don’t trust us?…

    In stock (32)

  • Jeffersons Reserve Very Small Batch 90.2 Proof American Whiskey 750ml

    Our Jefferson's Reserve Bourbon is the oldest, most robust bourbon in the Jefferson's family. It's 14-year, multi-barrel process involves 5 hand selected barrels from 14 different warehouses. Crafted to highlight the natural flavors of the traditional mash bill, no water is added to this whiskey. Jefferson's Reserve is the oldest…

    In stock (11)

  • Jeffersons Very Small Batch 82.3 Proof American Whiskey 750ml

    The vibrant entry gives off oaky sweet tastes of vanilla, baked bread and buttered popcorn; at midpalate rich flavors of molasses, burnt sugar, oak resin, maple and honey vie for dominance. Finished properly spirited, semisweet and assertive.

    In stock (42)
