
5 products
  • Michters 10Yr Single Barrel Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    One of their most limited production items, Michter’s 10 Year Single Barrel Kentucky Straight Rye continues the legacy of America’s first whiskey variety (rye) from America’s first whiskey company (Michter’s, originally known as Shenk’s). Deep notes of vanilla and toffee, toasted almonds and cinnamon. The US1 expressions, so named to…

    In stock (1)

  • Michters Single Barrel Straight Rye American Whiskey 750ml

    Michter's Single Barrel Straight Rye is a bruiser and has helped to fuel today's interest in rye whiskey. The delicate and lightly spiced notes of rye whiskey form a nose with a spicy touch of vanilla, while the palate lends to a rich note of marmalade and peppercorn.

    In stock (7)

  • Michters Small Batch Bourbon American Whiskey 750ml

    Michter's "US*1" Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey, which has been aged in hand-selected white oak barrels, has matured to a rich and inviting amber color. Careful appreciation of the spirit reveals enticing aromas of dried apricots, corn, cracked pepper, and a hint of baking spices. The palate exemplifies sweet bourbon, with…

    In stock (7)

  • Michters Small Batch Original Sour Mash American Whiskey 750ml

    America's first whiskey distilling company, Michter's rich history dates back to 1753 when a farmer in Schaefferstown, Pennsylvania distilled his first batch of whiskey from hardy rye. Michter's has continued this distilling tradition by releasing an impressive selection of high quality, limited production whiskeys including single barrel rye, very small…

    In stock (11)

  • Michters Small Batch Unblended American Whiskey 750ml

    Michter's "U.S. 1" Small Batch Unblended American Whiskey is beautifully aromatic with notes of butter, almond, caramel and vanilla. This richness continues on the palate with an enticing sweetness, and ends with an incredibly smooth finish.  (90-95) Points - Wine Enthusiast

    In stock (10)
