2 products
Meukow Vanilla Cognac 750ml
Meukow Vanilla is the subtle blend of Cognac Meukow and vanilla aromas. The aromas harmony shows the perfect balance in between the cognac, long and delicate, and the vanilla, silky and powerful, offering a new sensation to be enjoyed on the rocks or as a cocktail. Limit 6 per Order$22.99In stock (10)
Meukow Vs Cognac 750ml
Meukow VS is characterized by its well-balanced blend between the roundness of its fruity notes and the delicacy of its woody nuances. Shining gold with copper tints. Fruity and spicy, notes of almond, candied orange and licorice. Spicy with notes of licorice and nutmeg. Limit 6 per Order$21.99In stock (10)