
3 products
  • Lillet Rose French Apertif Dessert 750ml

    Inviting aromas of fresh flowers, ripe berries and spring garden abound. Flavor profit le highlights the fruity-grapy-berry element to glorious result; irresistibly luscious.

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  • Lillet Rouge French Apertif Dessert 750ml

    Made from merlot and cabernet sauvignon grapes giving off a distinguished tartness. Fragrant of grapes with a slightly bitter palate of grapes, citrus and vanilla. This flavor aperitif can be enjoyed with club soda for a pre meal cocktail.

    In stock (5)

  • Lillet White French Apertif Dessert 750ml

    Lillet Blanc is the original and most iconic apéritif in our range. It mixes beautifully in a simple spritz with an orange slice and elevates any classic cocktail. The Lillet Blanc is as versatile as it is timeless.

    In stock (7)
