
5 products
  • Justin 2020 Central Coast Rose 750ml

    JUSTIN Rosé is a dry, aromatic, refreshing wine that reminds you that while rosé is great on a hot summer day, it is also a versatile wine worth reaching for all year long. A Rosé of mostly syrah that is whole cluster pressed and fermented like a white wine, it…

    In stock (12)

  • Justin Central Coast 2020 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The 2020 Sauvignon Blanc is a clear, bright pale straw with silver highlights. Aromatic with ripe lemon, green apple, peach, pear, tropical fruit, with herbal notes. Medium bodied and crisp, with lemon, green apple, peach and tropical fruit on the entry with green herb notes and a pleasant…

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  • Justin Isosceles Paso Robles 2019 Red Blend 750ml

    Deep ruby/purple core with a black secondary color, and lighter toward the rim with moderate plus viscosity and slow-forming, moderately stained tears. Very aromatic and complex with ripe black cherry and cassis fruit, vanilla, cinnamon, and licorice spice with sweet tobacco, cedar, leather, and camphor notes. Full-bodied with ripe complex…

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  • Justin Paso Robles 2017 Justification Red 750ml

    The 2017 Justin Justification expresses the spirit of a few Right-Bank French Bordeaux producers by blending Merlot and Cabernet Franc. Visually, it is deep ruby/purple with black hue at the core and moderately stained tears on the glass. It is very aromatic with ripe black and red cherry and blackcurrant…

    In stock (9)

  • Justin Paso Robles 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    With attractive aromas of black fruit and spice, this smooth, ready-to-drink Cabernet Sauvignon is made in Paso Robles with the same care as the highest quality, traditionally crafted Bordeaux-style wines. Our grapes are hand-picked and sorted by-the-berry for consistent quality and flavor. JUSTIN Cabernet Sauvignon then spends fourteen months in…

    In stock (25)
