Jos. A. Magnus & Co.

2 products
  • Joseph Magnus Cigar Blend Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Artfully blended to enjoy with a fine cigar. A combination of award-winning Joseph Magnus Bourbon and 11 and 18-year-old whiskeys to assume bold, rich aromas of tobacco, spice, leather, vanilla, blanched almonds, and toffee. The Armagnac cask finish lends fruity notes of fig, prune, and dried apricot.

    In stock (4)

  • Joseph Magnus Murray Hill Club Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    A true bourbon blend crafted using the same techniques Joseph Magnus used to create this original pre-Prohibition spirit more than 100 years ago. Artfully marries 18 and 11-year-old bourbon with 9-year-old light whiskey to deliver notes of butterscotch, honey, toffee, autumnal baking spices, vanilla, and char, with a hint of…

    In stock (8)
