Jam Cellars

3 products
  • Jam Cellars Butter 2022 Chardonnay 750ml

    The Butter Chardonnay is rich, bold and luscious. Made in the tradition of quality Californian winemaking, the grapes selected are juicy, ripe and bursting with flavor. This Chardonnay is cold fermented to a lush creaminess and is aged in a unique blend of oak. Butter brims with stone fruit and…

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  • Jam Jar 2022 Sweet Shiraz 750ml

    Crafted in a lighter style this Shiraz is a fresh, fruity, sweet wine that displays aromas and flavors of ripe blueberries, blackberries and raspberries with dark chocolate undertones. Refreshing and approachable with a perfect balance.

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  • Jam Jar Sweet Blush 750ml

    South African winemaking began in the 17th century, with early Dutch and French settlers planting vines and making wine for export back to their homelands. But a renaissance of the industry began just 20 years ago, when historic political reform in South Africa ended the country’s social and economic isolation.…

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