Hiruzta Txakolina

2 products
  • Hiruzta Txakolina 2020 Getariako Txakolina 750ml

    Intense aromas of white (pear and apple), citrus (grapefruit) and tropical (pineapple and passion fruit) fruit aromas, also swathed with white flower (orange blossom) scents, all enhanced by the subtle release of the natural carbonic gas.  

    Out of stock (0)

  • Hiruzta Txakolina 2022 Getariako Txakolina 750ml

    Intense aromas of white (pear and apple), citrus (grapefruit) and tropical (pineapple and passion fruit) fruit aromas, also swathed with white flower (orange blossom) scents, all enhanced by the subtle release of the natural carbonic gas.

    In stock (5)
