High West

6 products
  • High West Bourbon 750ml

    High West is Utah’s first distillery, born in 1879. High West American Prairie Bourbon is a complex blend of straight bourbons, producing an aromatic whiskey that helps preserve the West. High West American Prairie whiskey is rich and earthy on the palate. This fine 92-proof whiskey blends straight bourbons aged…

    In stock (4)

  • High West Campfire Blend of Straight Rye Whiskey, Straight Bourbon Whiskey and Blended Malt Scotch 750ml

    High West Campfire is the world’s finest blend of scotch, bourbon and rye whiskeys. The first batch of Campfire blended with 100% Hight west own-make rye. A very unusual, distinctive, yet delicious whiskey. Campfire Whiskey® is best enjoyed with old friends and good looking strangers. Sip straight or with a…

    Out of stock (0)

  • High West Double Rye American Whiskey 750ml

    Our distinctive Double Rye embodies a harmonious balance of bold rye spice with bright botanical notes that simultaneously showcase layers of freshness and complexity. A blend of column and pot-still whiskies, aged a minimum of two years. Curated to highlight the wonderful, bold spice character that comes from high rye…

    In stock (3)

  • High West Manhattan Barrel Finished Cocktail

    A premium pre-batched cocktail, matured in used rye barrels- allowing the flavors to create a rich, smooth, and well-rounded product.  How to Enjoy Pour it over ice and garnish with a cherry. Unopened bottles have a 3 Year shelf life, once opened, refrigerate for up to 30 days. Back Label…

    In stock (19)

  • High West Old Fashioned Barrel Finished Cocktail

    A premium pre-batched cocktail, matured in used rye barrels-allowing the flavors to create a rich, smooth, and well-rounded product.  How to Enjoy Pour it over ice and garnish with an orange and lemon twist. Unopened bottles have a 3 Year shelf life, once opened refrigerate for 30 days. Back Label…

    In stock (34)

  • High West Rendezvous Rye Limited Supply American Whiskey 750ml

    From the makers: Rendezvous Rye is our flagship whiskey. Almost every other straight rye whiskey you can buy today is barely legal, with 51-53% rye in the mash bill. Not Rendezvous Rye. It honors the way rye whiskey used to be made, with a high rye content and full, uncompromising…

    In stock (13)
