5 products
Gancia Atto Primo Blackberry Sparkling 750ml
Atto Primo is perfect for consumers looking for a different take on sparkling wine—something light, fresh, and fruity. While Atto Primo means "First Act," a nod to Atto Primo being a wonderful choice for an aperitif, it really can be enjoyed across a number of different occasions all summer long.$10.99In stock (6)
Gancia Atto Primo Mango Sparkling 750ml
Straw yellow colour with golden reflections, fine and persistent perlage. Delicately aromatic, with hints of blackberry and red fruits. Harmonious and well-balanced taste; sweet and fresh.$10.99In stock (4)
Gancia Moscato D’ Asti Sparkling 750ml
Straw to pale golden yellow in color, the perlage is extremely fine and persistent. The bouquet is floral and fruity with hints of mountain honey, sage and musk. The taste is fresh, pleasant and delicately sweet and aromatic. Perfect for aperitifs, all types of celebrations and for dessert.$9.99Out of stock (0)
Gancia Moscato Rose 750ml
Winemaker Notes Gancia Moscato Rosé is intensely aromatic, fresh, with fruity hints such as peach, sage, orange and raspberry. The intense and sweet flavor makes Moscato Rosé Gancia the right product for festive moods and particularly suitable for dessert and fruit.$10.98Out of stock (0)
Gancia Prosecco Sparkling 750ml
Winemaker Notes This sparkling is made from the best selection of Glera grapes coming from the Prosecco area. Production takes place between Friuli and Veneto, in the area of the Prosecco di Treviso. After harvesting, the grapes are soft pressed and then vinified in white (without the skins) at 18°…$10.99Out of stock (0)