3 products
G4 Blanco 108 High Proof Tequila 750ml
There is are two main reasons why the G4 tequilas are so hard to come by. One is that the artisan production methods that give us the superlative premium quality we prize in this brand naturally take time to produce and yield very small batches. Second is that the masterminds…$59.99In stock (25)
G4 Blanco Tequila 750ml
The purest expression of Blue Weber agave, our Blanco is authentic and approachable with a delicate minerality and gentle aroma derived from agave and spring water from our own farm, collected rainwater, and our Grandfather’s yeast. These are the only ingredients in G4. Clear, crisp flavors and a silky texture…$45.99In stock (4)
G4 Reposado Tequila 750ml
Refinement in a bottle. Aged for at least six months in very old George Dickel Tennessee whiskey barrels, our Reposado is an expression of the landscape, with flavors influenced by the floral, herbal, and citrus plantings we grow at Rancho El Pandillo.$59.99In stock (2)