3 products
Foxglove Central Coast 2016 Chardonnay 750ml
Foxglove Chardonnay always represents great value. With this wine, you have the richness of fruit from California's Central Coast giving you tropical notes. However, the wine is bottled without going through malolactic fermentation and has no oak on it so it maintains a very clean profile. Great on its own…$12.98In stock (4)
Foxglove Paso Robles 2016 Zinfandel 750ml
Winemaker Notes Brambly, ripe Zinfandel fruit and spice in a fresh package. The use of stainless on the Foxglove Zin keeps the ripe fruit from being too dark. With a slight chill this is an excellent BBQ wine!$15.49In stock (1)
Foxglove Paso Robles 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml
Winemaker Notes The grapes are destemmed (no whole clusters) at the winery into stainless steel tanks for fermentation. Pressing occurs at dryness. Malolactic fermentation completes after pressing.$14.99Out of stock (0)