Four Gate

3 products
  • Four Gate 7yr Andalusia Key II Limited Release Barrel Finished Whiskey 750ml

    Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey finished in Spanish Oloroso Sherry-Dark Rum Casks Mash Bill:  75% Corn, 20% Rye, 5% Malted Barley Batch 26 Aged at least 7 Years, 6 Months 116.4 Proof Distilled in Kentucky

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  • Four Gate Majestic Wood Series Aged 7Yr Barrel Finished Limited Release Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Finished in Brazilian Amburana Oak Casks 750ml

    Four Gate Whiskey Company has announced its latest very limited Majestic Wood series, featuring Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey finished in exotic oak casks from Japan and Brazil. Four Gate Whiskey Company started in 2018 with the goal of releasing a limited number of unique batches of whiskey products each year.…

    In stock (4)

  • Four Gate Split Stave by Kelvin Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Four Gate Whiskey Company has never shied away from the fact that we source the very best barrels of whiskey available on the market. Because we source rather than distill our own, managing a consistent flavor profile of our base whiskey has been difficult. For the first time, however, we…

    In stock (4)
