Flor de Cana

11 products
  • Flor De Cana 12Yr Centenario Rum 750ml

    Flor de Cana is a sustainably produced premium rum that is carbon neutral & Fair Trade. Awarded Double Gold at SF World Spirits Competition in 2021 and Gold at the John Barleycorn Awards in 2019.

    In stock (14)

  • Flor De Cana 15Yr Eco-Terra Rum 750ml

    A 15-year-old Nicaraguan rum from Flor de Cana that is both carbon neutral and Fair Trade certified, this rum is distilled with 100% renewable energy. Aromas of nutmeg, hazelnut, caramel and pepper fill the nose, complemented by notes of dark chocolate, vanilla, oak, caramel, roasted hazelnuts and cinnamon throughout the…

    In stock (9)

  • Flor De Cana 18Yr Rum 750ml

    This stunning amber rum is full-bodied, with a rich complexity of flavors and a smooth finish that stays with you, long after the swallow. The 18 year Centenario Gold is almost two decades in the making, and you can taste the craftsmanship and tradition in every drop. Palate: A rich…

    In stock (6)

  • Flor De Cana 20Yr 130th Anniversary Rum 750ml

    Flor de Caña 130th Anniversary Rum is specially crafted by our Maestro Ronero Tomas Cano. A bespoke blend of precious Family Reserve aged rums Elevated ABV (45%) to showcase the intricate flavor profile Individually numbered crystal bottle with an exclusive Flor de Caña design Label signed by our Maestro Ronero.…

    In stock (6)

  • Flor De Cana 30Yr V Generaciones Single Family Estate Rum 750ml

    Flor de Cana V Generaciones is a 30-year old, ultra-luxury rum aged in a single barrel since 1988. A sustainably produced premium rum that is carbon neutral and Fair Trade.

    In stock (1)

  • Flor De Cana 4Yr Anejo Oro Rum 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* This 4 Year Old Gold Rum Añejo Oro is a premium Nicaraguan selection that balances tropical coconut and traditional woody flavors. Since 1890, Flor De Caña has captivated drinkers with full-bodied rum flavors.

    In stock (16)

  • Flor De Cana 4Yr Extra Seco White Rum 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* A smooth entry leads to a supple, dryish medium body of clean banana custard, walnut oil, coconut cream, and powdered sugar flavors

    In stock (12)

  • Flor De Cana 4Yr Rum 750ml

    A golden-amber, medium-bodied rum with a vanilla bouquet. The 4 year-old Flor De Cana gold is excellent with soda and colas. A Perfect match for punches and light cocktails. The 4 Year Gold won Best in Class at The 2005 International Wine & Spirits competition in London.

    In stock (8)

  • Flor De Cana 7Yr Gran Reserva Rum 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* A superlative dark golden rum from one of Central America's most celebrated producers, Flor de Cana from Nicaragua. Delicious, and one of the best rums anywhere in its price bracket. From humble roots, beginning in 1890, Flor de Caña has become…

    In stock (7)

  • Flor De Cana 7Yr Rum 750ml

    In stock (21)

  • Flor de Cana Tradicion Artesanal 25Yr Rum 750ml

    A 25-year old, ultra premium rum that is full-bodied with a dark amber color. Named “2017 Best Rum of the Year” by the International Rum Conference in Madrid. Regarded as the best sipping rum in the world. PALATE It has an exquisite aroma with notes of vanilla, wood and dark…

    In stock (5)
