
2 products
  • Faustino Art Collection 2019 Tempranillo Rioja 750ml

    Luscious and jammy reds are medium-bodied, full-bodied or very full-bodied wines that combine ripe berry notes and pronounced jammy flavours. You can discern notes of cherry jam, wild berry jam or dark plum in these wines. Ripe tannins add the necessary structure for pairing the wines with food.

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  • Faustino I 2014 Gran Reserva Rioja 750ml

    Tempranillo, Graciano and Mazuelo, the three classic Rioja grape varieties. Graciano provides a very lively color and high acidity; Mazuelo flavour and abundant tannin, both together with Tempranillo are the perfect coupage for long ageing wines. True to Rioja, true to its origins. Cherry red developing to an intense ruby…

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