El Enemigo

3 products
  • El Enemigo 2019 Chardonnay 750ml

    Alejandro Vigil is a master of Chardonnay, as well as a man who likes to push boundaries, which is why this impressive white was made with a little flor, just like a Fino Sherry. Toasty, spicy and salty, this is briny and refreshing with some honeyed notes.

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  • El Enemigo 2020 Bonarda 750ml

    This Bonarda shows a deep violet color with bluish reflections. The nose is intense and complex. Intense aromas of ripe black fruit, blackberries, raspberries, black cherries, chocolate and liquor, with some spicy notes of fresh herbs provided by the Cabernet Franc appear. The taste has a sweet impact with silky…

    In stock (20)

  • El Enemigo 2021 Cabernet Franc 750ml

    This Cabernet Franc is ruby red in color with soft violet tones. The nose has intense aromas and concentrated notes of cassis, ripe currants, and sweet spices including black pepper and cloves. His tenure provides integrated oak notes of cedar and vanilla. Fresh impact and excellent structure on the palate,…

    In stock (10)
