El Dorado

5 products
  • El Dorado 12Yr Rum 750ml

    In stock (6)

  • El Dorado 15Yr Rum 750ml

    In stock (9)

  • El Dorado 21Yr Special Reserve Rum 750ml

    Made from rums of between 21 and 25 years of age, matured in 45 gallon oak casks, within six degrees of the equator in Guyana. El Dorado 21 was awarded a Gold at the International Rum Festival 2003 in Canada and a Silver at the 2003 International Wine and Spirit…

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  • El Dorado 25Yr Limited Edition Rum 750ml

    An extremely rare creature and a rare experience to savour. Created to mark the turn of the millennium, 25 Year Old Vintage Reserve is presented in an appropriately distinctive decanter to treasure or to give with pleasure. This exquisite vintage rum possesses a silky smoothness which challenges the oldest cognac.…

    In stock (1)

  • El Dorado 8Yr Rum 750ml

    Dark brown rum distilled from fermented molasses. Aged 8 years in used whisky and bourbon barrels. El Dorado 8 Year Old Demerara Rum is the latest rum from Demerara Distillers. Blended to be only slightly heavier than their 5 Year Old and lighter than their 12 Year Old rum, this…

    In stock (4)
