Dulce Vida

4 products
  • Dulce Vida 5Yr Extra Anejo Barricas De Napa Valley 100 Proof Tequila 750ml

    Extra Anejo 100% blue agave sustainably sourced from the Los Altos Highlands of Jalisco. It is rested for five years in single barrels of American Oak from a respected Napa Valley winery. This unique craft approach, using barrels that previously contained award-winning vintages of Merlot and Cabernet wines, creates a…

    In stock (5)

  • Dulce Vida Extra Anejo 100 Proof Tequila Aged in Garrison Brothers Barrels 750ml

    Sure to please and excite the most discerning tequila pallet, our Lone Star Edition is specially aged in Garrison Brother's Texas Straight Bourbon Whiskey barrels. Made in small batches, you will find the aroma rich with tantalizing tastes. This is an extraordinary and limited tequila, enjoy it at your next…

    In stock (2)

  • Dulce Vida Pineapple Jalapeno Organic Tequila 750ml

    100% BLUE WEBER AGAVE Made with REAL Pineapple and Jalapeño, our Dulce Vida Pineapple Jalapeño Tequila is handcrafted from 100% blue agave, then infused and uniquely blended. Try a shot of "Sweet to Heat"!

    In stock (7)

  • Garrison Brothers Guadalupe Texas Straight Bourbon Whiskey Finished in a Port Cask 750ml

    Here’s to Guadalupe® – our newest and most refined bourbon to date. Aged four years in toasted and charred white American oak barrels and an additional two years in beautiful port casks imported from Portugal, Guadalupe is the same award-winning Garrison Brothers Texas Straight Bourbon you love, with a delicate,…

    In stock (10)
