Don Fulano

3 products
  • Don Fulano Anejo Tequila 750ml

    Don Fulano Añejo is a marriage of very old tequilas aged in French limousine and nevers oak casks that previously held wines. It’s deep and complex with dried fruits and spice elements like cardamom and allspice which complement elegantly the right touch of sweetness that comes from slowly cooked mature…

    In stock (7)

  • Don Fulano Blanco Tequila 750ml

    Don Fulano Blanco is a bright and colorful expression of highland agave. It’s fresh on the nose and yet profound with a beautiful elegance. There is harmony between a wide spectrum of aromas that only mature hillside agave offers; a myriad of delicate fruit notes is balanced by a light…

    In stock (5)

  • Don Fulano Reposado Tequila 750ml

    Don Fulano Reposado is the great representative of the spirit of Don Fulano: a marriage of mature highland agave with French limousine oak. It’s rich and buttery, yet strangely delicate and ethereal at the same time. Cooked agave fully expresses itself and blends seamlessly with an herbal sweetness, hints of…

    In stock (7)
