Del Maguey

3 products
  • Del Maguey Chichicapa Mezcal 750ml

    Chichicapa has a relatively light nose, yet is deep and sweet on the tongue with a very complex character. It has a long finish, with a distinct smokiness and hint of mint at the end. Chichicapa is 2 hours south of Oaxaca, and 2 hours to the west on a…

    In stock (6)

  • Del Maguey Las Milpas Single Village Mezcal 750ml

    Single Village expression is crafted by roasting ripe agave Espadin in an earthen horno carved into the granite hillside. Roasted agave is milled using a horse-drawn molino and fermented using only ambient microbes and yeasts in open-air wooden fermentation tanks and twice distilled in small copper stills. Las Milpas offers…

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  • Del Maguey Vida Blanco Mezcal 750ml

    Vida has joined Del Maguey's Single-Village line as "entry-level" product. Twice-distilled in wood-fired copper stills, its espadín agaves are harvested from throughout the state of Oaxaca; what it may lose in unique qualities it gains in cocktail flexibility. TASTING NOTES: "The nose opens with the expected smoke, follows with roasty…

    In stock (5)
