
3 products
  • Damilano 2019 Lecinquevigne Barolo 750ml

    It, too, is a wine of gentleness and refinement, with bright plum fruits and warm spice both apparent in the aromas, within the context of an aromatic profile both seamless and harmonious. It’s ample in the palate yet round-contoured, with acidity here as important an element of the wine’s structure…

    In stock (8)

  • Damilano 2021 Barbera D’Asti 750ml

    Barbera d'Asti Damilano is a very fruity and slightly spicy red wine, the result of a short refinement in steel and concrete. The nose recalls the classic notes of the varietal: berries, cherries, violets and light hints of spices and vanilla. The sip is incisive and smooth, with a pleasant…

    In stock (16)

  • Damilano 2021 Cannubi Barolo DOCG 750ml

    Garnet ruby red with orange reflections. Ample and embracing on the nose, with pronounced fruity notes of cherry and plum and notes of tobacco, liquorice and cocoa. Harmonious, pleasantly dry with soft tannins, broad and full-bodied. Persistent finish.

    In stock (5)
