Chateau Montelena

4 products
  • Chateau Montelena 2017 Calistoga Zinfandel 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Aromas of cinnamon and allspice quickly yield to ripe cherry and a torrent of red fruit along with a characteristic hint of tobacco. Dark and lush, the initial perception of tart raspberry is overwhelmed by blackberry jam, red licorice, and a supple earthiness that leans toward black pepper…

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  • Chateau Montelena Napa Valley 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Dark garnet, nearly violet in the glass, the aromatic intensity of this wine is irresistible. Fresh berries and dried cherries comingle with bergamot, lavender, mint, gunpowder and sage without a single element dominating another.  Fresh and dynamic, with cranberry, cola and raspberry jam. The acidity is laser focused, the spine…

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  • Chateau Montelena Napa Valley 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Dark garnet, nearly violet in the glass, the aromatic intensity of this wine is irresistible. Fresh berries and dried cherries comingle with bergamot, lavender, mint, gunpowder and sage without a single element dominating another.  Fresh and dynamic, with cranberry, cola and raspberry jam. The acidity is laser focused, the spine…

    In stock (11)

  • Chateau Montelena Napa Valley 2020 Chardonnay 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Golden straw-colored in the glass, the wine opens with cinnamon and ripe peach, bolstered by aromas of melon, fig, and pear. More fruity than floral upon release, there’s nonetheless plenty of honeysuckle and spice, softening to green apple and vanilla. Initially fused with lemon curd and ripe orange,…

    In stock (24)
