Bodega Garzon

3 products
  • Garzon 2021 Cabernet Franc Reserva 750ml

    Of a strong purple colour with violet reflections, this noble red wine has mineral aromas coming from ripe peppers, spices and fruits of the forest accompanied by a subtle chocolate note and smoked hints coming from selected barrels. With gentle tannins in mouth, it mixes prunes and ripe blackberries with…

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  • Garzon 2021 Tannat Reserva 750ml

    Deep purple in colour, this Tannat fresh aromas reminiscent of red and black fruits such as plums and raspberries on a spice-flavoured aroma. It has a great personality in mouth. Its ripe tannins and its minerality make it a terroir wine of great identity.

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  • Garzon 2022 Tannat Reserva 750ml

    Deep purple in colour, this Tannat fresh aromas reminiscent of red and black fruits such as plums and raspberries on a spice-flavoured aroma. It has a great personality in mouth. Its ripe tannins and its minerality make it a terroir wine of great identity.

    In stock (22)
