
3 products
  • Blantons Gold Edition Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Blanton's Gold Label was created for Bourbon Connoisseurs who appreciate exceptional smoothness and a rich finish. This bourbon is crafted with Mash Bill #2, a sour mash of corn, malted barley, and extra Rye. After, it's matured in American White Oak casks. Blanton's Gold is hand-bottled from the best Casks…

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  • Blantons Straight from the Barrel Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Blanton's Straight From The Barrel is easily one of the Greatest bourbons in the world. This bourbon is a Cask strength expression, making it one of the boldest in the Blanton's collection. Its high alcohol by volume is inviting. Its taste profile undertakes depths of flavor only found in the…

    In stock (10)

  • Blantons The Original Single Barrel Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Taken from the center-cut or middle sections of the famous Warehouse H, Blanton’s Original Single Barrel was once designated for ambassadors, dignitaries, and Colonel Blanton’s family and friends. Today, everyone has access to the world’s first single barrel bourbon. The taste profile is sweet, with notes of citrus and oak.…

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