
4 products
  • Allegrini 2018 Palazzo Della Torre 750ml

    This wine is elegant and well balanced, with a good structure and aroma. Ruby red in color with purple hues, it offers light hints of raisins, sophisticated notes of vanilla, black pepper, cloves and cinnamon. It has a long, velvety finish and soft tannins. Palazzo della Torre easily pairs with…

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  • Allegrini 2019 Valpolicella DOC Red 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Well-structured wine, with a soft, long and persistent finish. Brilliant ruby red in color, with a pleasant scent of wild berries. Dry and velvety on the palate, it is characterized by a bitter almond finish. Pairs perfectly with roasted meats, particularly guinea fowl, pork, goat and lamb. Delicious…

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  • Allegrini 2021 Valpolicella DOC Red 750ml

    With more than six generations of winegrowing tradition, Allegrini is the most-awarded winery in the Veneto and the benchmark for Amarone. The Allegrini family’s innovations in appassimento winemaking have made the estate’s classic Amarone and Valpolicella wines exemplars of excellence, while their emphasis on single vineyard expressions of local grape…

    In stock (6)

  • Allegrini Amarone Della Valpolicella Classico DOCG Veneto 2019 Valpolicella 750ml

    The result of the Allegrini family’s expertise, a true classic of the appellation, this red wine embraces tradition, territory and the know-how of country ways. Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella and Oseleta are left to air dry at least until December and are checked daily to ensure perfectly healthy grapes. Lengthy refining…

    In stock (12)
