4 products
818 Anejo Tequila 750ml
Founded by Kendall Jenner, 818 Tequila is an award-winning tequila produced using traditional methods in Jalisco, Mexico at a family-owned-and-operated distillery. The brand has won 16 blind tasting awards across six major industry competitions. Sustainably produced from one hundred percent Weber Blue agaves, 818 Tequila features three variations: Blanco, Reposado…$42.99In stock (8)
818 Blanco Tequila 750ml
Founded by Kendall Jenner, 818 Tequila is an award-winning tequila produced using traditional methods in Jalisco, Mexico at a family-owned-and-operated distillery. The brand has won 16 blind tasting awards across six major industry competitions. Sustainably produced from one hundred percent Weber Blue agaves, 818 Tequila features three variations: Blanco, Reposado…$27.99In stock (129)
818 Eight Reserve Anejo Tequila 750ml
Cooked agave, vanilla, cinnamon, dried berries, and praline. Vanilla, clove & cinnamon, toasted nuts, honey, orange peel, and black cherry. Light amber with copper hues, full bodied. Prolonged and silky smooth, elegant aftertaste with fruit and spiced accents. A masterful blend of Añejo aged up to 8 years, aged in…$99.99In stock (1)
818 Reposado Tequila 750ml
Founded by Kendall Jenner, 818 Tequila is an award-winning tequila produced using traditional methods in Jalisco, Mexico at a family-owned-and-operated distillery. The brand has won 16 blind tasting awards across six major industry competitions. Sustainably produced from one hundred percent Weber Blue agaves, 818 Tequila features three variations: Blanco, Reposado…$37.99In stock (28)