19 crimes

7 products
  • 19 Crimes 2020 Sauvignon Block 750ml

    Light but unique in character, this approachable Sauvignon Blanc is filled with aromas of passion fruit, grapefruit, gooseberry and guava. 19 Crimes Sauvignon Block is light bodied with a fresh, crisp finish and a light straw color.

    In stock (2)

  • 19 Crimes 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    19 Crimes Cabernet Sauvignon 2021 is a wine of exceptional quality and taste. With a beautiful crimson hue, this wine's intense aroma is a perfect blend of vanilla, red currants, violets, and mulberry fruits. On the palate, it's firm, full-bodied, and has a subtle sweetness that adds to the rich…

    In stock (22)

  • 19 Crimes Cali Smooth Silky Red Blend 750ml

    A silky red blend. Kick back and relax with Cali Smooth. This red blend is a gentle spin on the familiar Cali Red recipe, ripe with dark fruit notes and toasted oak. Caramel and vanilla undertones make for a silky-smooth finish. 19 Crimes is defiant by nature, bold in character,…

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  • 19 Crimes Frankenstein Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Frankenstein was the creation of Victor Frankenstein & was just a little misunderstood. He wasn't a monster; just upset people didn't want to hang out. So next time an eight-foot-tall guest arrives, pour him a glass.

    In stock (18)

  • 19 Crimes The Bride of Frankenstein Red Blend 750ml

    19 Crimes tells the true story of rulebreakers who beat the odds and overcame adversity to become folk heroes. Most of them had remarkable stories like the Bride of Frankenstein. So when an unexpected dinner guest drops by, pour them a glass of this limited edition Red Blend and let’s…

    In stock (6)

  • 19 Crimes The Uprising 2021 Rum Aged Red Blend 750ml

    Medium red with bright ruby hues, this wine confidently takes charge with intense notes of mocha and caramel that compliments subtle flavours of brown sugar and cinnamon. A portion of this wine has been aged for 30 days in rum barrels and is dark with jammy berry flavors and a…

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  • 19 Crimes The Uprising Rum Aged Red Blend 750ml

    Medium red with bright ruby hues, this wine confidently takes charge with intense notes of mocha and caramel that compliments subtle flavours of brown sugar and cinnamon. A portion of this wine has been aged for 30 days in rum barrels and is dark with jammy berry flavors and a…

    In stock (18)
