
3 products
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  • Cederberg 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The nature of the high elevation vineyards allows a longer ripening period which gives rise to fully developed fruit. A combo of red and darker red fruit, cassis and plum along with a slight suggestion of mint, a hint of tobacco leaf and graphite define the 2016 Cederberg Cabernet Sauvignon’s…

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  • Cederberg 2020 Chenin Blanc 750ml

    Twelve selected barrels were used to produce 1000 cases. Delicate aromas of honey, lime zest, roasted nuts and peaches laced with sweet vanilla undertones. Well-integrated wood and ageing on the lees developed a full, rich palate with a smooth lingering finish. This Chenin Blanc is concentrated and structured for longevity.…

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  • Cederberg Bukettraube 2022 White 750ml

    A rare, aromatic wine showing loads of floral honey and dried apricot notes. Semi-sweet on the palate showing balance and finesse. Perfect for spicy foods. Bukettraube is a cross of Silvaner and Schiava Grossa! Cederberg Description A rare cultivar with 77 hectares left in the world. Cederberg Bukettraube is an…

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