Mix-N-Match Absolut Kahlua & Malibu 750ml

25 products
  • Absolut Citron Vodka 750ml

    ABSOLUT CITRON is made exclusively from natural ingredients, and unlike most other flavored vodkas, it doesn’t contain any added sugar. To put it short and simple: ABSOLUT CITRON is smooth and mellow, with a fresh fruity lemon and lime character and a note of lemon peel.

    In stock (16)

  • Absolut Grapefruit Vodka 750ml

    Absolut Grapefruit is made with natural grapefruit flavor, and unlike some other flavored vodkas, it doesn’t contain any added sugar. To put it short and simple: Absolut Grapefruit has a truly fresh taste and is fruity with a distinct character of pink grapefruit and a well-balanced natural sweetness.

    In stock (8)

  • Absolut Lime Vodka 750ml

    Absolut Lime is made exclusively from natural ingredients, and unlike some other flavored vodkas, it doesn’t contain any added sugar. To put it short and simple: Absolut Lime is smooth, rich and very fresh with a distinct note of freshly pressed lime and a slightly sweet and fruity finish. The…

    In stock (15)

  • Absolut Mandrin Vodka 750ml

    ABSOLUT MANDRIN was launched in 1999, 20 years after ABSOLUT VODKA. It’s the fourth flavored ABSOLUT in the row after PEPPER, CITRON and KURANT. And since mandarin and orange are among the most popular flavors in the world, ABSOLUT MANDRIN was received with the same enthusiasm as the rest of…

    In stock (12)

  • Absolut Mango Vodka 750ml

    Absolut Mango is made exclusively from natural ingredients, and unlike most other flavored vodkas, it doesn't contain any added sugar. It is full-bodied and juicy with a character of ripe mango.

    In stock (8)

  • Absolut Peach Vodka 750ml

    Peaches are beloved for their sweet taste that immediately transports you to a warm summer day. But as flavorful as they are, peaches are seldom found in drinks. So, we introduced Absolut Peach in 2005 so that everyone could share that experience. Absolut Peach is the true master of one…

    In stock (3)

  • Absolut Pears Vodka 750ml

    Absolut Pears is made exclusively from natural ingredients, and unlike most other flavored vodkas, it doesn’t contain any added sugar. Absolut Pears is fresh and delicate, with a smack of mellow pears and a long fruity aftertaste.

    In stock (20)

  • Absolut Peppar Vodka 750ml

    Absolut Peppar was launched in 1986, seven years after Absolut Vodka. Besides being the first flavored vodka in the family, it was also the first flavored vodka in the world. So why pepper? Since vodka and pepper is the main ingredients in a Bloody Mary, it seemed like a good…

    In stock (19)

  • Absolut Raspberri Vodka 750ml

    Absolut Raspberri is made exclusively from natural ingredients, and unlike most other flavored vodkas, it doesn’t contain any added sugar. It’s rich and intense with the fresh and fruity character of ripened raspberries.

    In stock (18)

  • Absolut Vanilia Vodka 750ml

    Absolut Vanilia combines the flavor of vanilla with the great Swedish tradition of making vodka from the finest grains. Perfect mixed with Coca Cola or straight over ice.

    In stock (30)

  • Absolut Vodka 750ml

    ABSOLUT VODKA was first launched in New York in 1979. It soon became talk of the town, the US and eventually of the world. But the recipe behind the pure and natural taste of ABSOLUT is actually older than 30 years. So is the 18th century medicine flask found in…

    In stock (111)

  • Absolut Watermelon Vodka 750ml

    In stock (16)

  • Absolut Wild Berri Vodka 750ml

    Absolut Wild Berri is the perfect kick starter for a full-on house warming party, an ideal ice-breaker for that spontaneous after work get-together, and everything but a wild card when it comes to mixing with others. With a taste of freshly picked blueberries, blackberries and wild strawberries, Absolut Wild Berri…

    In stock (15)

  • Kahlua Blonde Roast Style Rum and Coffee Liqueur 750ml

    Take a walk on the lighter side with Kahlúa Blonde Roast Style and enjoy a coffee forward taste and a hint of citrus notes to make a smooth coffee cocktail. The prominent Kahlúa medium roast coffee profile blends with caramel and toffee notes, highlighting the bold coffee flavor with a…

    In stock (5)

  • Kahlua Coffee Liqueur 750ml

    In stock (193)
