
3 products
  • Farmers Botanical Reserve Strength Small Batch Gin 750ml

    Certified organic by the USDA, Farmer's Organic Gin possesses a unique taste profile due to its balanced selection of botanicals, including juniper, elderflower, lemongrass, coriander, and angelica root. It also included hemp see, which bring a nutty, savory character to the gin. Providing a pristinely clean palette for the artful…

    In stock (6)

  • Farmers Of Wine Italian Red Blend 750ml

    Farmers Of Wine is crafted only with autochthonous varietals, Negroamaro and Zinfandel, locally known as Primitivo, which represent the quintessence of Puglia. This area is a peculiar land between two seas, where farmers have used the iconic alberello, meaning “small tree”, to cultivate the native varietals for over 2,000 years.…

    In stock (932)
