Moet and Chandon

6 products
  • Chandon Brut Sparkling Wine

    Crisp, fresh and effortlessly cool, our CHANDON Brut is your go-to choice bubbly for entertaining, sipping and gifting. A classic expression of our California vineyards, signature green apple, pear and citrus notes precede a soft, dry finish.

    In stock (14)

  • Chandon Garden Spritz Sparkling 750ml

    Ready to chill and ready to share, Garden Spritz is the blend of an exceptional sparkling wine and a unique bitters recipe crafted with locally sourced fresh oranges macerated with dry orange peels, herbs and spices carefully selected from the finest terroirs in the world. We bring nature to the…

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  • Moet & Chandon Brut Imperial Champagne w/ Box 750ml

    Meet Moët & Chandon Impérial Brut Champagne – the ultimate party-starter! Imagine the cork popping, bubbles dancing, and that first exhilarating sip. It's not just champagne; it's a golden ticket to a world of glamour and sophistication. Every glass of Moët & Chandon Impérial Brut is a celebration of life's…

    In stock (25)

  • Moet & Chandon Ice Imperial Champagne 750ml

    Moet and Chandon invents an innovative champagne blend for daytime celebrations in chic and sunny international hotspots. Moet Ice Imperial reflects a new frontier in champagne, delivering the new sensations of crisp freshness and powerful tropical fruit aromas, and offering a UNIQUE, FUN-FILLED EXPERIENCE for chic, sunny and exclusive social…

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  • Moet & Chandon Nectar Imperial Champagne 750ml

    Nectar Imparial is the boldest and most unexpected Moa«t and Chandon champagne. It reflects the diversity and complementarities of the three champagne grapes and the richness of the region's best vineyards to reveal the magic of the world's most loved champagne.   Lively and generous Nectar Imparial distinguishes itself by…

    In stock (10)

  • Moet Chandon Ice Imperial Rose Champagne 750ml

    Ice Impérial Rosé, is the first and only rosé champagne especially created to be enjoyed on ice. A new champagne tasting experience that brings together pleasure, freshness and the free spirit of summer time.

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