
2 products
  • Korbel Brandy 750ml

    Since 1889, our Sonoma County winery has been producing award-winning California brandy. Handcrafted in small batches at our artisan distillery using only the finest California grapes, Korbel California brandy is masterfully aged to perfection in premium oak barrels – fire charred and mellowed to achieve a golden amber color, rich…

    In stock (5)

  • Korbel XS Smooth Brandy 750ml

    This vanilla-citrus infused premium brandy is slow barrel aged and expertly handcrafted from the finest vanilla, natural orange essence, fragrant spices and balanced with a hint of pure cane sugar for a distinctively smooth, exotic taste. The Korbel brothers discovered that the climate of the Russian River Valley was ideal…

    In stock (12)
